My Blog
Ten Worse Marketing Disasters of All Time
Does your marketing message resonate with customers’ emotions? New research by Nobel Prize winner and world-famous psychologist, Dr. Daniel Kahneman, reveals that we make decisions emotionally and then justify them logically. Emotion (feelings) needs to be included in...
Beware of the Word “Think.”
The average person makes over 35,000 decisions a day and new research now proves that in doing so they employ emotion first, not logic. Our best-selling book, “Why People Don’t Buy Things,” details over 40 case studies which show that messaging based on only logic is...
How Well Can You Read People’s Emotions?
Here’s an interesting quiz about emotions from Juliana Uklomogbe. Emotions are critical in marketing as we’re learning they make our decisions, not the logical part of the brain. QUIZ: Which of the body shots above (1-5) indicates Sadness, Disgust, Fear, Anger and...
Is Your Brain Tricking You?
Dr. Kahneman won the Nobel Prize for his breakthrough work on the psychology of decision- making (Thinking, Fast and Slow) where he proved (without question) that the emotional part of our brain makes our decisions… while the logical brain confirms and delivers them...
Johnny Cash Sold Moms Lionel Trains
Back when I was an account executive on Lionel Trains at HBM Boston I learned a great lesson about advertising, whether it’s consumer or B2B: Incorporate emotional benefit, not just logic. A little marketing research can keep your campaign on the right track to...
A Kid’s Face Never Lies!
I remember working at Doyle Dane Bernbach, where the founder (Bill Bernbach) had a favorite expression, “Nothing will kill a bad product faster than great advertising! People will try it once and then you’re out of business.” How true, especially today when bad news...